This company has an exclusive terminal which is 11000 square meter on the Tehran road , in front of the Pegah milk company and a garage and a building is in the final part of the Shahpour Jadid st.
In the terminal exists , the jobs such as Machining and Battery building and mechanical works, Lining stamping, Forging exchanging oil services ton facilitate conditions for the members of the company in which they can supply their requirements in their terminal and also there exists a restaurant and a Aparat and there is the administrative building and in the last building is a restaurant on the first floor and on the second floor is the contractors office of tar porting in which the man are either contractors or Representation of the other contractors in different provinces of the country.
In this case the company has given a number of offices to the contractors in which the driver can receive a load from the contractor directly and he does not need to go outside his work space and the contractor the loads (goods) and the drivers are all close with each other directly. In the administrative building, the first floor has a big salon for companionships and gathering.
There exists some offices which is submitted to the contractors .also in the below floor of the Bill of lading Programming exists the shops.